Cameron Kroetsch
Ward 2 City Councillor
On November 16, I was officially sworn in at the inaugural meeting of City Council as your new Ward 2 City Councilor! It was an important moment to acknowledge the change that has come to Council after this historic election and the work we have ahead to confront huge issues in Hamilton like affordable housing, street safety, and climate change.
Since then, I have been working to get our office set up and onboard the new members of the Ward 2 team. I’m proud to announce that Liesl Thomas and Hasnain Khan joined the Ward 2 team at the end of November! Please welcome them with that warm North End hospitality if you see them out in the neighbourhood or at a community event.
Our team has a new email address set up so you can reach us more easily – – and we will be working to get our website, office social media, public calendar, and newsletter ready. We plan to launch our office social media and public calendar in December and our website and newsletter in January.
The rest of this year, like the beginning of every new Council term, will be consumed with preparations for our budget deliberations. The budget is an opportunity for the City of Hamilton to prioritize the needs of its residents. I encourage you to reach out to me with your ideas and suggestions in the coming weeks and months.
See you in the neighbourhood!