It’s construction season in the North End and you will soon notice a residential road to avoid; Strachan from James all the way east.
Following consultation with residents, and your Ward 2 office over the last few years, some obvious candidates for full on road and infrastructure rehabilitation has emerged. You will recall last year we tackled Ferguson; this year the bumpy mess that is Strachan.
With funding from our Ward 2 office capital program, construction is scheduled to commence on or about Monday June 28, 2021 and be substantially completed by November, 2021, weather permitting. The work involves: Road Reconstruction, Storm Sewer Construction, Water main Replacement, Street Light Improvements, the long-awaited Multi-Use Path Construction, and associated works. It will be worth a few short term construction head-aches.
For homes located between James and Hughson Streets connected to a temporary water bypass system, water consumption will not be metered and instead your water consumption will be based on your average daily consumption during the same period last year. Once the water portion of the construction work has been completed, the bypass system will be discontinued so that your water service will be restored, allowing your water consumption to be metered again. Your billing will return to be based on your measured water. Any questions, you may call or email my office at any time or reach out to our very capable City of Hamilton Project Manager John Cowperthwaite 905- 546-2424, ext. 4314. Emails can be sent to the general construction mailbox
Residents along Strachan should have already received a few notices that, among other details, remind you that construction of this magnitude can be disruptive. You may experience some inconveniences such as noise, dust, and temporary disruption of water service.
For North Enders who regularly travel Strachan as an east west connection, your best move is to choose a replacement until the construction ends.
In order to complete the work safely, a combination of lane restrictions and multi-block closures will be established at various stages of the project. Local access, where practical and emergency access will be maintained.
Every effort will be made to do the work in a timely manner and to keep any inconvenience to a minimum. As always, we ask for your patience during this period.
For the duration of the project, the City of Hamilton on-site inspector will be made available to explain the sequence of work and answer any construction-related questions.
Yes, there are other good candidates lined up for similar near future North End residential street rehabilitation (Simcoe and Hughson get honourary mention here).
Until next time, Breezes Readers!! Have a safe and happy summer.
Councillor Jason Farr
Ward 2