By Sheri Selway

Hamilton has had some form of transit since around 1874 when horses were used to pull carriages as transit.  Then we had trolleys, which were discontinued around 1990, and that is how HSR got its name – Hamilton Street Railway! 

Good transit is extremely important to cities.  Even though we are “car dependent”, a good transit system (including bikes!) helps reduce traffic and lowers emissions.  One bus can take the place of many cars.  And not everyone even has a car, so fast and dependable bus service is extremely important to getting to school, shopping and work and frequent service encourages users!

Using a bus is also good for our health in another way because almost all trips involve walking! 

The City is redesigning the entire Bus network! . There is a pdf of the proposal submitted to Council, and a map of the new routes. A warning, at first glance it appears that the Bayfront bus, our beloved #4 bus, has been eliminated. In fact, the route is #1 on the map, and if you enlarge it 300 times, you can see that it pretty much follows the current route from the Hamilton GO terminal down along Burlington Streeto the Heritage Green hub at Upper Mount Albion and Paramount.  Another key item which may have some impact on our neighbourhood, is the elimination of the Macnab Street Frank Cooke Hub and making the West Harbour GO station the new downtown hub.

The new design features 18 “hubs” across the city, consistent operating hours, new routes, and better connection to GO transit. 

Our bus service is changing and the City wants your help, comments and ideas!  What works?  Where can they improve?  At a recent public information centre people suggested more frequent service to some lines, washrooms at the new “hubs”, free transit in the downtown core and more.  What are your ideas and suggestions.?

You can contact the Reenvision HSR by phone 905 528 4200 Option #2 or email at