The North End Neighbourhood is a very special place.  We have clear boundaries.  Our neighbourhood is Hamilton’s only designated Child and Family Friendly Neighbourhood.  We have a unique traffic plan.  BUT….

The City of Hamilton, our City government, the people who have the power to set the rules for our neighbourhood, own acres of land in our neighbourhood, the City is the largest developer in our neighbourhood, and it sets the rules for its own developments.

That can mean good things for our neighbourhood.  Or not.  That may depend on whether the people who live in the neighbourhood get together and speak with a strong voice to ensure the development helps our neighbourhood rather than harms it.

How will we make a difference?


Together, we can protect our neighbourhood from bad planning decisions by working together.  If you will spend one hour per month working to make our neighbourhood voice strong, the City may listen.  The jobs are simple and easy:  Sharing information about new developments;  Attending meetings about new developments;  Making a phone call to our Councillor;  Signing petitions;  Taking part in on-line discussions.  Making your voice heard.  All of these help.  If you will spend one hour per month, HWN will coordinate the voices of our neighbourhood on the new City initiatives.

To help protect our neighbourhood, please send your name, phone number of email address to us



Phone         905-769-0809

Mail:            HWN, 469 Bay Street North, Hamilton, L8L 1N2.

Harbour West Neighbours (HWN) is a neighbourhood  advocacy group of North End Residents working to ensure that the principles of Setting Sail and the North End Traffic Management Plan are implemented.