By Sheri Selway and Chrissy Chrzan
June is a jamboree of events. It’s a mosaic of heritage, pride and rememberance, including National Indigenous History Month, Italian Heritage Month, Filipino Heritage Month, Portuguese Heritage Month, and Pride Month.
Pride Month is celebrated in June each year in remembrance of the Stonewall Riots which began in June 1969 after police raided the Stonewall Inn in Greenwich Village, New York City. The next year, the first Gay Pride parades took place in several cities in the United States. In Canada, the first Pride demonstrations took place in 1971 in Vancouver and Ottawa and is now celebrated in many cities. Hamilton usually has many events to help our community unite and come together regardless of sexual orientation. Pride Hamilton has announced that the theme for 2024 is “Strength With Pride”! There is planned a kickoff on June 1 and other events include:
June 8 Pride Garden Party at WAHC (Workers Arts and Heritage, 51 Stuart) from 12 – 4pm. All ages are welcome to attend. There will be crafts and lawn games. Free and no need to register. For more events go to Gay Hamilton Ontario Events for the LGBTQ+ Community & Friends (
June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day
June 23 is National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism
June 24 is Sainte-Jean-Baptiste Day
June 27 is Canada Multiculturism Day
The United Nations also commemorates many Special Days in June.
To name a few – June 1 is the Global Day of Parents, June 3 World Bicycle Day, June 5 World Environment Day, June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, June 21 is International Day of Yoga, and June 30 is World Asteroid Day!
This year, World Environment Day is focused on land restoration, desertification and drought resilience. For more information of World Environment Day can be found here World Environment Day 2024 (
For more information about United Nations Days, go to the website International Days and Weeks | United Nations
There are many Health Promotion and Awareness Days in June as well. This is the month to learn more about ALS, Brain Injury, Men’s Health, Cataracts, CMV, and Migraines. It is also Parks and Recreation Month. June 4 is National Health and Fitness Day, and many other days are recognized in June. For more information go to Calendar of health promotion days –
There are also MANY days in History to be remembered. On June 6, 1872 Susan Anthony was fined for voting in a Presidential election in New York. June 12, 1898 the Philippines declared independence from Spain. The United Nations Charter was signed by 50 nations on June 26, 1945. The History Place – This Month in History: June
To learn some interesting Canadian History, visit June in History ( June 1 is called Bloody Saturday when police charged demonstrators during the 1919 Winnipeg General Strike. The first “baby bonus” cheques were made on June 20, 1945. O Canada was adopted as our National Anthem on June 27, 1980. And on June 30, 1948 the Income Tax Act was enacted taking effect in 1949. On June 26, 1945 Canada joined the United Nations. Alexander Bell’s first phone was demonstrated in Boston in June 1875. (And did you know the FIRST public phone line was installed in Hamilton in 1881? And in walking distance from the North End!) That is a fascinating read in The Spectator Hamilton had the first public telephone in Canada 141 years ago. Will we soon see the last? (