by Ken Hirter

As we head into spring 2022 think fashion. On this month’s Walkabout l chatted with the charming Priya Mohan, shopkeeper and owner of SariKNOTsari and her charming and delightfully inviting shop on the James Street North. Upon entering this shop with its exposed brick, you are in a comfortable setting of lights and fashion, right down to the bangles and beads, silks and the colors of fashion, candles, incense, jewelry plus much more. l asked Priya the following questions:

  • The quote that most resonates with her shop – “As consumers, we have so much power to change the world by just being careful in what we buy” Emma Watson
  • The Origin of the name SariKNOTsari – ” Initially we thought of upcycling sari fabric to wrap presents (using a Japanese technique called furoshiki) hence the idea of having knots in the fabric the next logical step was to play with words to come with the name SariKNOTsari.”
  • SARIS for all seasons – “It’s your clothes’ job to fit you, not restrict you and to wrap around you.”
  • Support Causes: From the Artist, Art Crawls, Artisans, and the cause closest to Priya’s heart, Saving the Elephants – portions of all sales go directly to the Save the Elephants Organization.

“Together we can make a world of difference. We are so grateful we cannot thank the Hamilton community and our customers across Canada for their overwhelming support.”

I would like to thank Priya for taking time to talk shop and fashion. When talking to Priya it is most obvious that James Street North and corridors is a blending melting pot of culture and diversity at its best – in your own neighborhood and beyond.

Remember SariKNOTsari for ethical gifts, artisanal and sustainable fashion, vibrant colours, and inclusive sizing.

SariKNOTsari can be found at 228 James Street North.


Facebook: sariknotsari

Instagram: sari.knot.sari

Or phone at (289) 389-4353

James Street North is yours to discover. Spring is coming. Spring into fashion and step into a new look for 2022. Discover the hidden jewels and gems along the way

Remember to support the small businesses in your neighborhood today.

Till next month Cheers.